Welcome to my data-driven realm!

As a dedicated data scientist, I embark on an ​exhilarating journey, driven by my insatiable ​curiosity to unearth hidden insights within ​vast datasets.

Join me as I navigate the intricate realms of ​data to unravel compelling stories and unlock ​the power of analytics.



👋 Hello there,

I'm an ardent learner, captivated by the magic of math, the nuances of global affairs, ​and the enthralling domain of data science. Currently interning at Intelloprime ​startup, I'm building AI enabled candidate shortlisting system from scratch for ​recruitment consultancy clients. This gave me hands-on experience in Machine ​Learning, Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models and deployment. I ​am well versed in deriving viable solutions to complex business problems through my ​data science skills.🧠

Mastering statistics 📊 and delving into the intricacies of Machine Learning, Deep ​Learning, Generative AI has been an ongoing learning journey for me. Valuing the ​impact of storytelling, I've skillfully crafted narratives that animate intricate concepts ​and datasets, refining my capacity to convey complex details seamlessly. I have ​garnered over 5000 followers on LinkedIn who regularly engage with my posts. 🚀

Among my diverse roles, one closest to my heart was serving as the General Secretary ​of the Immaculate Ideal Human Foundation. I orchestrated promotions, broadening ​the NGO's network across several nations 🌐, fortifying leadership skills, enriching ​my global perspective, and underscoring the power of data-driven decision-making.

My fascination with mathematics 🧮 has been a guiding light throughout my ​academic endeavours. This dedication has been rewarded with an All India Rank of ​12,089 in the IIT-JEE exam ✏️and an All India Rank of 232 in the GATE exam. I was ​honoured to serve as 🎓 Category Leader of Engineering Mathematics at Unacademy, ​as my course earned the highest ratings and maximum views.

Furthermore, the enriching experience of taking the rigorous UPSC exam thrice 📚 ​has enhanced my understanding of world affairs, analytical abilities, and resilience. ​This gave me interdisciplinary approach of dealing with datasets of several domains in ​a seamless manner.

Why Data Science? 🤔 This science aligns with my passion for math, technology, and ​storytelling with data. I'm refreshing my statistics knowledge while exploring complex ​ML and DL algorithms.

Passionate about data science/machine learning/deep learning/generative AI, I'm ​committed to exponential growth in skills for transforming data into actionable ​insights. I approach new ventures with a learner's humility and eagerness to grow.

If my journey resonates with you, feel free to write at Let's ​explore the data and technology world together!

Self administered ​courses

MIT 6.006 - Intro to Algorithms

Stanford CS 229 - ML (Andrew Ng)

MIT 6.S191 - Deep Learning

Stanford CS 224n - Natural Language ​Processing

Stanford CS 231n - Computer Vision

Stanford CS234** - Reinforcement Learning

** - Partly Completed



B. Tech. Applied Petroleum Engineering ​with Specialization in Upstream

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies

GPA - 7.65/10


(Click image to OPEN)

AI Enhanced Image-to-Audio Story Generator

Large Language Models | Hugging Face | Streamlit

AI-Powered PDF Chat Assistant

Gemini | FAISS | LangChain

UNet-GAN Hybrid for Image Colorization

Generative Adversarial Networks | Image Processing

Laptop Price Estimation: A Regression Approach

Stacking Regressor | Ensemble Learning | Feature Engineering

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